DMBA 100: Soft Skills & Business Ethics
Welcome! This course covers Orientation Review, Life Skills, Professional Image, Communicating for Success, and the Healthy Professional.
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Completed Orientation Review
About This Course
Chapter 1: Life Skills Objectives
Explain Life Skills
Life Skills in Action
Watch Success
Chapter 1: Action Steps for Success
Discussion: Define Success
1-2 List the Principles that Contribute to Success
Becoming Successful Multiple Choice
1-3 Design a Mission Statement
Goal Setting Multiple Choice
1-4 Set Long-Term and Short-Term Goals
1-5 Demonstrate Effective Time Management
Chapter 1: Employ Successful Learning Tools
1-6 Employ Successful Learning Tools
1-7 Define Ethics
Chapter 1: Professional Ethics
1-8 Develop a Positive Personality and Attitude
1-8 Develop a positive attitude
Positive Attitude Multiple Choice
Chapter 1: Word Review
Chapter 1 Exam
Learning Objectives
Why Study Professional Image
2-1 Explain Professional Image
Activity: Explain Professional Image
Discuss: Image Enhancement
2-1 Your Professional Image
Get Professional
Universal Qualities of Professional Image
2-2 Employ Image-Building Basics
Personal Hygiene Multiple Choice
2-3 Demonstrate a Professional Attitude
Adapt Your Attitude
Chapter 2: Demonstrate a professional attitude
Chapter 2: Work Ethic
5 Image Enhancers to Work Towards Today
Professional Attitude TRUE or FALSE
2-4 Creating Your Portfolio
2-5 Implement Social Media Best Practices
Chapter 2: Social Media Best Practices
Discussion: Define Professional Image
Success Sources
Chapter 2 Word Review
Chapter 2 Exam
Learning Objectives
3-1 Explain Communicating for Success
3-2 Practice Communication Skills
Chapter 3: The Golden Rules of Communication
Discuss: Communication Champion
The Golden Rules of Communication
Practice Communication Skills True or False
The Importance of Effective Communication
Client Intake True or False
3-3 Conduct the Client Consultation
Client Consultation Multiple Choice
Concluding the Service
Discussion Activity: Service Experience
Retailing FABCE
FABCE Activity
Managing Tardiness
Managing Scheduling Mix-Ups
Managing Differences
Getting Too Personal
3-5 Guidelines for Workplace Communication
Communicating during an Employee Evaluation
Success Source
10 Step Consultation Method
The Laws of Etiquette
Chapter 3 Exam
Having Tough conversations
Employee Evaluation Multiple Choice
Learning Objectives
4-1 Explain the Healthy Professional
4-2 Discuss Nutritional Needs in a Beauty Context
Vitamins and Dietary Supplements
4-3 Practice Proper Hydration
Proper Hydration True or False
Describe How Immunity Keeps the Body Safe
Immunity Multiple Choice
4-5 Explain When to Take a Sick Day
4-6 Identify Common Beauty Professional Health Issues
Beauty Professional Health Issues Mulitple Choice
4-7 Protect Yourself with Proper Body Mechanics
4-8 Recognize the Challenges Posed by Pregnancy
Body Movement True or False
Discuss: Pregnancy Professionalism
Success Source
Chapter 4 Exam